Spiritual Growth
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3:18
Relational Connection
By Guest | | Spiritual Growth | personal growth, relationships, Tongua Williams, Winter Conference 2017
By Tongua Williams
(Re)formed In Worship
By Caleb+ Miller | | Spiritual Growth, Worship | Winter Conference 2017
Caleb+ Miller, Winter Conference 2017
Sparks of Redemptive Grace
By David+ Larlee | | Evangelism and Outreach, Spiritual Growth | book review, books, family life, mental health, mental illness, Text
For others in our midst who care about, but don’t really understand, the unrelenting obstacles and grief faced by families caring for a loved one struggling with a mental illness, Sparks of Redemptive Grace reveals an incredibly personal glimpse into what goes on in homes and hearts when dealing with a mental disorder.
The Spirit’s Presence in Word and Sacrament
By Guest | | Sacraments, Scripture, Spiritual Growth | Anglicanism, Holy Spirit, Text
The catechism explains that the sacraments are outward and visible signs (read: symbols) of inward and spiritual grace. This grace must be experienced, not just cogitated about or announced over us in the sacraments. And grace, such as the grace of knowing you are marked as Christ’s own for ever, is delivered through the Holy Spirit.
A Hidden Leprosy of the Heart
By David+ Larlee | | Celebrate, Spiritual Growth | 2 Kings 5:1-27, greed, Lent, sins, Text
Lent is an opportunity to re-center ourselves on the grace and mercy of God. That life might be brought into sharper focus as we consider Christ's journey to the cross.
The Most/Least Popular Sin
By Lucas Damoff | | Celebrate, Spiritual Growth | gluttony, Lent, sins, Text
What is gluttony? It is not simply overeating or being overweight, but rather an attitude towards that lends itself to such things. We might do well to begin by defining gluttony as taking more than we need.
The Tinfoil Kingdom of Lust
By Gavin+ Pate | | Celebrate, Spiritual Growth | Genesis 2:25, Lent, lust, sins, Text
People are hungry for intimacy, to be loved and to feel alive. We are grabbing for anything that comes close.
Between Two Traditions: Anglican Views on Holy Communion
By Gavin+ Pate | | Sacraments, Spiritual Growth | Holy Communion, Roman Catholic, Text
In the Anglican Communion, Holy Communion is both an encouragement to the journeying Christian and a celebration of the communion each Christian has with the Trinitarian God we worship, as well as with one another.
(Extra)Ordinary Time
By Guest | | Spiritual Growth | 2 Tim. 4:2, Anglicanism, Church Calendar, Col. 1:17, Dan. 9:20-23, Ordinary Time, Text
Ordinary Time refers to the days between the Feast of the Epiphany and Ash Wednesday, as well as the “ordinal" (numbered) weeks of Pentecost after Trinity Sunday.