Spiritual Growth

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."  2 Peter 3:18

Desperate: Why Burnout Is Mission’s Greatest Enemy

Burnout is harmful. It has actually destroyed many churches, ministries, and individuals. It can rattle every man and woman from the mission God has called them to do.

The Sacramental Imagination

The sacramental imagination brings together an affirmation and appreciation for the goodness of creation with an abiding awe of the mystery of Christ incarnate.

You Are Here: The Secret to Getting Direction From Above

Jesus doesn’t make me move to a different location, then give me direction. He doesn’t ask me to move at all. All I need to do is say, “Here I am. I’m right here.”

How God Turns Ordinary Into Extraordinary

By Rev. Jamie George . I never imagined that Jesus would pull me out of the battle per se and take me to a place where I would be milking goats, gathering chicken eggs and installing fences. Nevertheless, I now realize God has led me here to prepare me for the next ministry.

How to Talk About the Sacraments Without Scaring People Away

Here are three principles that will help us all as we seek to communicate the great blessings our tradition has to offer in its sacramental life.

What’s So Great About Being a Sheep?

Not only can I make idols of the good things God gives me, but I can begin to think that my having received them is all down to my own superior abilities. In short I am finding I need to be reminded again and again of just exactly how sheep-like I am.

Stepping Out of the Boat: The Start of My Journey as a Church Planter

Serving in established churches can feel like a very safe place to follow and serve Jesus, and if you’ve never left to go start a church from scratch, it might sound crazy or feel impossible to join Jesus in such an endeavor. But to some, the urge to go where Jesus is leading surpasses everything else.

The Subversive Shape of Power

The one who could have called legions of angels to vanquish the legions of Rome, but who instead offered himself up by turning the other cheek, becoming in his death the truly meek one who would inherit the earth.

Lent Guide

Essentially, we sought to make the Book of Common Prayer accessible and beautiful. We decided to do the hard work of compiling all proper readings, collects, and seasons into an easy-to-follow book.

My Story of Miraculous Physical Healing

After a brief discussion of my situation, he began to pray in the manner that he had been teaching us during the weekend—nothing like the "usual" requests for healing at all; just prayers of thanksgiving for what Jesus had done on the Cross, and glorification of God's kingdom.