
"He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments" Psalm 78:5-7

Discipling Youth to Live Out Their Callings

Percy Strickland, Associate Rector at the Abbey at Pawley’s Island, explains that because of Anglicanism’s use of tools like prayer books, teens can get involved in much of the service simply through reading. “Why not allow these guys to get the experience of reading a prayer or reading scripture more regularly or doing all of these other things?” he proposes. “We say this every service: ‘This is more about participation than performance. It's more about formation than formality.’”

Building an Intentional Family Ministry

When we make the goal of children at church something as a means to the end of adults being able to engage in worship, learning and community, we’ve done a disservice to children and failed to see them as valuable parts of our congregation.

Book Review: Children’s Ministry and the Spiritual Child

I was immediately impressed when I flipped through the book to see the vast number of research studies referenced and cited. This book, however, is not just about the studies. It’s an extremely thoughtful integration of that research into very real, sensitive ministry, accounting for complexity and context, based on years of experience and deep reflection.

The Wordless Gospel: An Outreach to a Public School

"Those from the congregation who participate with the school are able to, “preach the gospel without words by loving on those kids, by going to field days and helping with field trips,” Mary Carole Smith explains.

Book Review: Parenting in the Pew

By Dr. Robin Turner, Kid’s Ministry Director, All Saints Dallas Too often, children (and their parents!) get the impression that going to church is about not doing things: don’t move, don’t make noise, don’t distract, don’t be impatient, don’t bother your sister. Sunday worship ends, and children and parents leave feeling frustrated, embarrassed and unfulfilled.…

About Baptism

Dustin+ Messer addresses the meaning of Baptism. Baptism is one of the Sacraments we celebrate in three-stream living.  

The Pandemic Comes to the Classroom

God has blessed us all with great abilities, but the ability to help children through a situation that none of us have experienced is quite a daunting task. I wish I had some amazing insight and advice for parents, but I believe prayer is the best answer to what we are experiencing right now.

Engaging the Next Generation: Recommended Resources for Children’s Ministry

Effectively working with children and families requires an understanding of the stages of child development and family dynamics, as well as of the essentials of the faith. The following resources may provide some helpful ideas for where to begin or how to move this important ministry to the next level.

Managing Growth in Children’s Ministry

Consistency, curriculum and caring volunteers are the major building blocks for a successful childrens' program.

Let the Children Come …

Jesus had a singular, loving approach to children, in contrast to his status-seeking, impatient disciples. Jesus welcomed the little ones with open arms and set their simplicity and unselfconscious humility as a standard for all his followers. We can do no less.