The Role of Deacon: A Call to Servanthood

When does the call to believe and follow Christ happen? In childhood? In the midst of a traumatic event? At the time of transition? Yes, yes, yes. It happens to each person uniquely and can come at any time, in the midst of any situation.

Engaging the Next Generation: Recommended Resources for Children’s Ministry

Effectively working with children and families requires an understanding of the stages of child development and family dynamics, as well as of the essentials of the faith. The following resources may provide some helpful ideas for where to begin or how to move this important ministry to the next level.

Let the Children Come …

Jesus had a singular, loving approach to children, in contrast to his status-seeking, impatient disciples. Jesus welcomed the little ones with open arms and set their simplicity and unselfconscious humility as a standard for all his followers. We can do no less.

Sabbath as Spiritual Formation

The command to keep the Sabbath in the Old Testament becomes an invitation to enter into God’s rest in the New Testament. Worship and the Eucharist strengthen us to go out from our Sabbath-keeping to tend and care for the personal dominion God gives each of us.