Positive Psychology and the Gospel  

Positive Psychology is a shadow gospel, a kind of new religion. It makes happiness the means and the ends. It minimizes our dependence on God and his grace to accomplish any good thing.

The Pandemic Comes to the Classroom

God has blessed us all with great abilities, but the ability to help children through a situation that none of us have experienced is quite a daunting task. I wish I had some amazing insight and advice for parents, but I believe prayer is the best answer to what we are experiencing right now.

Healing Through Relationship

In helping others to emotionally heal from this pandemic by being in proper relationship with one another, we will also be healing ourselves.

Remembering is Key to Renewal

Today, many Christians feel lost. The world feels new and scary. This feeling of disorientation—personal, cultural—is nothing new for God’s people. The Prophet Jeremiah knew this feeling all too well.

This Changes Everything!

Don’t let your Easter joy wane! Don’t let your “Alleluias!” diminish! Enter into Sunday worship with awe and expectation.

Lent and the Gospel of Suffering

How do we talk about a gospel of suffering? “Gospel” means “good news.” How is suffering ever good news?? Suffering is not getting what you want and getting what you don’t want. Every single human being has both experiences.

If We Only Know Scripture as a Text, We Don’t Know it at All

Reading Scripture is a communal act in which each individual reader is brought into an accountable relationship with every other reader.

31 Bible Reflection Tips

As we grow in faith and develop the practice of daily Bible reading, sometimes we can reduce the discipline into a less-than-meaningful habit. Here are a 31 refreshing ways to approach Scripture and gain deep, life-giving insights.

Focusing on Christ’s Victory During Lent: Helpful Tools

There are certain tools I have found to be particularly helpful in focusing on Christ's victory in my own life during the season of Lent. It is important to start small.

Relying on Christ’s Victory in Lent

Lent is arguably a microcosm of the whole ascetic life. It is a clear and obvious appropriation of the victory of Christ over sin and temptation in the life of the Church and the life of the Christian.