Healing Through Relationship

In helping others to emotionally heal from this pandemic by being in proper relationship with one another, we will also be healing ourselves.

Hope in Deep Waters: Resources for a Pandemic

Many of us have cried out to God as David did in Psalm 96:1. We’ve found ourselves sinking as we tread the depths of uncertainty and loneliness. As we navigate these unfamiliar waters we, like David, have become intimately acquainted with anxiety, depression, grief and fear, as well as anger and frustration.

When to Pray, When to Parent and When to Seek Help

By Morgan Myers Remember: When it comes to concerns about our children, not all issues are parenting issues. Not all issues are spiritual issues. And not all issues are mental health issues.

Mental Health as Mission

When an individual or family faces a mental health crisis, often they turn first to their faith community for help and support. It’s important, therefore, that churches become informed and be ready to embrace the opportunity to minister.

Mental Illness, Prayer and Extravagant Grace

I can’t honestly say I am thankful for the mental illness that besets our son. But in full truthfulness I can say I am glad to have been forced to do battle with my theology of suffering and to test both its mettle and mine.

Living in the Resurrection: Mental Health

In this message Bishop Jones explores why congregations, in living out the Resurrection, should become aware of ways to support those with mental health challenges.

Mental Health and the Church

With even greater simplicity, Jesus reminds us that we should care for those society has given up on, such as the naked, the hungry and the imprisoned, as though we are caring for Him.

Sparks of Redemptive Grace

For others in our midst who care about, but don’t really understand, the unrelenting obstacles and grief faced by families caring for a loved one struggling with a mental illness, Sparks of Redemptive Grace reveals an incredibly personal glimpse into what goes on in homes and hearts when dealing with a mental disorder.