St. Patrick’s Dallas: Building a New Church Community

Named after the saint known for taking the gospel to Ireland, St. Patrick’s Dallas is built on the belief that the call to make disciples is not the responsibility of just one person, but the joy of the whole church. Just as St. Patrick’s ministry in the fifth century involved a team of clergy, lay…

Let the Children Come …

Jesus had a singular, loving approach to children, in contrast to his status-seeking, impatient disciples. Jesus welcomed the little ones with open arms and set their simplicity and unselfconscious humility as a standard for all his followers. We can do no less.

Alpha at All Saints Dallas: Introducing Christian Community

Dave+ was first drawn to Alpha’s unique approach when a church he attended in the U.K. offered the course. “It was one of the first times I saw the tools the academy used to communicate the Christian faith,” he recalls. “It wasn’t the closed loop of ‘to have faith you need to have faith.'” As…

Reaching Dallas Through Alpha

"I love the look on people’s faces when we talk about “Does God Heal Today?” It’s a beautiful thing to see people realized that yes, the Lord is up close and personal to us." David+ Larlee