Spiritual Growth

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."  2 Peter 3:18


In Charlottesville we saw front and center once again the violence of racism, and the lie of Satan that says that a person's value is based on the color of the skin, their heritage, or their station in life. This is antithetical to God's word that tells us that we are all made in the image of God, all known and all loved.

Stories From The Pew: Paul’s Story

"Discipleship, following Jesus is not about sin management or trying to modify my behavior. . . it's about changing my affections to love what Jesus loves and love how He loves."

Stories From the Pew: Pamela’s Story

"The question that was pounding in my head was: if I cannot take care of my family, then what's the point? Why am I here? How come I survived? What good am I?"

Welcoming the King and His Message

John+ and Anne Coles, Winter Conference 2017

(Re)formed In Worship

Caleb+ Miller, Winter Conference 2017

Sparks of Redemptive Grace

For others in our midst who care about, but don’t really understand, the unrelenting obstacles and grief faced by families caring for a loved one struggling with a mental illness, Sparks of Redemptive Grace reveals an incredibly personal glimpse into what goes on in homes and hearts when dealing with a mental disorder.

The Spirit’s Presence in Word and Sacrament

The catechism explains that the sacraments are outward and visible signs (read: symbols) of inward and spiritual grace. This grace must be experienced, not just cogitated about or announced over us in the sacraments. And grace, such as the grace of knowing you are marked as Christ’s own for ever, is delivered through the Holy Spirit.

A Hidden Leprosy of the Heart

Lent is an opportunity to re-center ourselves on the grace and mercy of God. That life might be brought into sharper focus as we consider Christ's journey to the cross.