Lenten Reflections: A Season of Honesty

During the Lenten season, the great thing is when you lay down your shortcomings and failures, you’re able to pick up something greater. To each person it’s something different.

Seeking our Father’s Love

I believe that the more you and I seek to be rooted and grounded in the Father’s love, the more intentional we will be to minister that love and grace to those around us.

Alpha: A Tool for Transformation

"It is my heartfelt conviction that the Alpha course is a tool Jesus is using to transform culture and society. Hospitality and listening have become a primary way in which Jesus is making himself known to those who don’t know him." David+ Larlee

Experiencing the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit day or weekend retreat has always been a high point in the life of churches where I have served. Although it is part of the Alpha program, all Alpha participants for that season and all of our parishioners are encouraged to come and to bring friends.

The Role of Music in Liturgical Worship: An Interview with Ryan Flanigan

Music serves the liturgy; it does not stand as a liturgy in itself. Music aids the people in singing the praises of God. Music opens the hearts, minds and emotions of worshipers to experience the beauty of the Lord. Music is NOT a neutral vehicle for words; it is not just a cognitive exercise.

The Book of Common Prayer: A Unifying Resource

As Thomas Cranmer, the principal author of the original BCP, said, “Our Book [of common prayer] … is an instrument of the Bible.” The Bible can be a daunting text to engage with; thankfully, the work of Cranmer and others like him was able to give us a beautiful book to structure our prayer and guide our daily interaction with God’s Word.

What is an Anglican?

An Anglican is someone who loves Jesus. They're someone who, wanting to live under Jesus’s lordship, searches the Scriptures to learn how to live that life.

St. Bartholomew’s – Called Forth Into Being

Over time, I began to find myself in this name, St. Bartholomew. I had felt led to this church out of a desperate need to be refreshed, to be allowed to engage in the seasonality and patient process of becoming who God has created me to be.

Good Friday: The Bizarre Mission of Surrender

As Jesus surrendered to His Father’s will, He ended up on the cross and died. I don’t know about you, but this does not make surrendering to God very appealing.

Meeting God During Lent

The act of putting to death earthly things in us is the continual call of Christians; but the season of Lent offers an especially intensified period of time to do this.