The Paideia of Praise: Embracing the Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric of Liturgy

The word trivium literally means, “the place where three roads meet.” For the church to create the paideia necessary to form disciples, she’ll need to place her liturgy at the intersection of sacraments, scripture, and Spirit.

NOVO: Spiritual Tools for Empowered Ministry

By Jason+ Radcliff I am a big fan of spiritual classics. The Philokalia, The Way of the Pilgrim, The Celebration of Discipline, St. Augustine’s Prayer Book (to name just a few) are all shelved centrally on my bookshelf. I return to these classics again and again when I want tangible and practical steps I can…

The role of the Holy Spirit

AMiA Lead Bishop, Philip Jones, explains the role of the Holy Spirit as a part of abundant three-stream living.

Holy Spirit: Leaning into More

Robert+ Cook of St. Andrew’s in Little Rock shares his personal journey in understanding the role of the Holy Spirit.

Transformed and Renewed by the Eucharist

As we receive the wine and bread, we don't simply receive a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice, but a measure of the grace and new life that this sacrifice purchased for us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are transformed and renewed each week to more fully reflect the hope and life of Christ to a hurting world.

TLC Podcast – Leading a Three Stream Anglican Service

Rev Allen Hughes discusses Leading a Three Stream Anglican Service with Bishop Philip Jones from the Anglican Mission and All Saints Dallas. Un preparato innovativo, che viene usato da parte dei maschi nel trattamento di disfunzione erettile, il restringimento dei vasi arteriosi. L’efficienza e la sicurezza dell’utilizzo simultaneo di Lovegra e esattamente come fanno gli…

Experiencing the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit day or weekend retreat has always been a high point in the life of churches where I have served. Although it is part of the Alpha program, all Alpha participants for that season and all of our parishioners are encouraged to come and to bring friends.

Three Streams: A Template for Identity and Worship

The three streams are a convergent force for our times. Can ancient guides like the Creeds and the Book of Common Prayer be a doorway to innovation?  

Stories From The Pew: Ryan’s Story

"In all candor, I thought I had messed up my life. I thought I had abandoned God's call on my life...I was operating on God's plan B for me."