From Whence Cometh Snow Days?
By Dustin+ Messer | | Faith Formation, Personal Story, Scripture | God's power, Scripture, Snow
This morning, our daughter looked out her window to find a white sheet of snow laying on top of the grass. Seeing this, she shouted, “where did it come from!?” In some ways, that’s the question of Psalm 29. If you read the passage, you’ll find that weather is a central theme. As God’s people come…
Being a Missionary in a Missionary Society
By Dustin Freeman | | Anglicanism, Evangelism and Outreach, Personal Story | mission society, missions, Missions and Cross Cultural Outreach
On the surface, the call to cross-cultural missions that I initially received and the call to pastoral ministry in my own home state sound like they are at odds, but I have come to see that they are very much in harmony. When I lived in Mali, I began learning to pay attention to the world around me in a new way, to notice culture: the hidden rules, stories and assumptions that are invisible to all who hold them but essentially run their world. Coming back home, I was a little more able to see my own culture, things I simply would not have noticed until I had lived somewhere with a different set of rules, stories and assumptions.
Windsor Naething: Answering Her Call to Ministry
By | | Leadership, Personal Story, Uncategorized | Deacon, leadership, Ordination and Leadership
By Jeff LeMaster When Windsor Naething was ordained as a deacon at Grace Northridge in San Antonio on January 27, 2024, the occasion marked the conclusion of a journey that began many years ago. But it also represented the beginning of a new chapter of ministry. And in some ways it felt like the natural…
Ryland+ Brown: Serving With a Global and Historical Perspective
By AMIA Communications | | Anglicanism, Leadership, Personal Story | clergy, ordination, Ordination and Leadership, priest
“Everybody is able to minister within the church, but you’re set apart for a specific function within the life of the church.” That’s how Ryland+ Brown describes the role of priest in the AMiA. And though his path to priesthood involved discovering a new global and historical perspective of his faith, he’s quick to emphasize,…
+Robert Cook: Coming Alongside as Bishop
By AMIA Communications | | Anglicanism, Leadership, Personal Story | bishop, consecration, ordination, Ordination and Leadership
“I love people,” says +Robert Cook. “I love seeing people come alive and be who God’s made them to be in the midst of all the challenges.” And in his role of bishop in the AMiA, he does just that. +Robert grew up as an Episcopalian and was familiar with the liturgy from an early…
Learning to like Lent in Illness
By Elizabeth Hamilton | | Church Calendar, Personal Story, Uncategorized | Lent
I’ll be honest: I’ve never been a big fan of Lent. Before I got sick, Lent often felt superficial. Yes, I sometimes gave up sugar or TV or social media, and since these things distracted me from listening to God and were generally unhealthy, that felt right and good. And yes, I sometimes took up…
Seal Team Navy Chaplain: A day in the life
By Guest | | Leadership, Personal Story | chaplain, Chaplaincy, military, Navy
I ask each person whom I encounter how I can specifically pray for them, and about 90% are open to receiving prayer. Those interactions springboard into deeper spiritual conversations.
NOVO: Spiritual Tools for Empowered Ministry
By | | Anglicanism, Personal Story, Spiritual Growth, Three Streams | Ephesians 2:6, Hebrews 4, Novo, Romans 8:26-27, Spiritual Authority Cohort
By Jason+ Radcliff I am a big fan of spiritual classics. The Philokalia, The Way of the Pilgrim, The Celebration of Discipline, St. Augustine’s Prayer Book (to name just a few) are all shelved centrally on my bookshelf. I return to these classics again and again when I want tangible and practical steps I can…