Fasting, Mortality and Repentance

Why do we fast? Christians fast for two primary reasons: to recall our mortality and to flee from sin and repent. While these two reasons can be distinguished, they can’t be separated. Sin and death are joined at the hip, as are repentance and dependence on God. 

Lent Fasting for a Changed Heart

While there are many purposes for fasting found in the Bible, the primary purpose of Lenten fasting is learning to depend more fully upon God and trust him to provide for us in every way. We are learning to discipline our desires and not to be ruled by them.

Fasting and Prayer: Authority and Connection

Not only do we grow in spiritual authority through fasting and prayer, we also deepen our connection to God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

On Fasting in Lent

As we begin the season of Lent, take time to consider if the Holy Spirit is calling you to undertake a fast during this season, and if so, in what manner. Fasting is never easy and can be quite frustrating. But the promise is that it will give us more of Christ and that it will form us more and more into his image.

Meeting God During Lent

The act of putting to death earthly things in us is the continual call of Christians; but the season of Lent offers an especially intensified period of time to do this.