The Role of Deacon: A Call to Servanthood

When does the call to believe and follow Christ happen? In childhood? In the midst of a traumatic event? At the time of transition? Yes, yes, yes. It happens to each person uniquely and can come at any time, in the midst of any situation.

Spiritual Authority Cohorts: Appropriating Foundational Truths

“It is so important that all believers understand these basic principles of prayer and spiritual authority. No matter how long or short of a time we have walked with Christ, these foundational truths need to be re-appropriated and reapplied often." +Philip Jones

Building Marriages to Strengthen Communities

Strong marriages can provide a strong foundation for society, so having a course to recommend to others gives AMiA churches a proven tool for ministry.

Staying Connected and Leaning In: Singles in Church Community

Singles make up a huge proportion of the American population. A 2017 Pew Research study found that 42% of adults in the U.S. live without a spouse or partner. And, among those under 35, singles are the majority, comprising 61% of young adults. However, church congregations often do not reflect the high proportion of singles…

Hope in Deep Waters: Resources for a Pandemic

Many of us have cried out to God as David did in Psalm 96:1. We’ve found ourselves sinking as we tread the depths of uncertainty and loneliness. As we navigate these unfamiliar waters we, like David, have become intimately acquainted with anxiety, depression, grief and fear, as well as anger and frustration.

Safe Conversations Workshop

Now, more than ever, it’s important that couples treat each other with kindness and compassion. But how, when it’s so easy to let the stress of this extraordinary time cause us to lash out or retreat inward instead?

Learning to BE by Chad+ Jarnagin

As an increasing number of people engage in a quest for spiritual health, there has been an alarming movement of individuals leaving Christianity behind. Often the abandonment of once-vibrant faith is tied to the deconstruction of faith with intentional reconstruction. However, this trend is accompanied by another, more encouraging movement: Christians around the world are…

Seven Good Reads on Sabbath Rest

Setting aside time to rest in God is a challenge, especially in a world that idolizes doing and accomplishing. To begin, consider one or more of these books to use as tools to help you learn to enjoy the blessings of true rest.

Mental Health as Mission

When an individual or family faces a mental health crisis, often they turn first to their faith community for help and support. It’s important, therefore, that churches become informed and be ready to embrace the opportunity to minister.

The Role of Music in Liturgical Worship: An Interview with Ryan Flanigan

Music serves the liturgy; it does not stand as a liturgy in itself. Music aids the people in singing the praises of God. Music opens the hearts, minds and emotions of worshipers to experience the beauty of the Lord. Music is NOT a neutral vehicle for words; it is not just a cognitive exercise.