"The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task." 1 Timothy 3:1
TLC Podcast – Understanding our Military Chaplains
By +Philip Jones | | Evangelism and Outreach, Leadership | chaplains, podcasts, Steve Cuneio
Rev. Allen Hughes discusses what it means to be a military chaplain with Air Force Chaplain Lt. Colonel Steve Cuneio.
TLC Podcast – Anglican Theology
By | | Anglicanism, Leadership | Anglicanism, podcast, three streams
Rev. Allen Hughes discusses Anglican Theology with Rev. Jason Radcliff. They cover understanding the gospel through the Anglican tradition, how it’s lived out and why it’s important. Jason+ Radcliff is Head of School at Augustine Classical Academy in Upstate New York. He is the author of “Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers” (2014), “Thomas…
TLC Podcast – Ministry of Pastoral Theology of a Non-Anxious Presence
By +Philip Jones | | Leadership, Spiritual Growth | anxiety, peace, podcast
Rev. Allen Hughes discusses ministry of pastoral theology of a non-anxious presence with Rev. Caleb Miller from Immanuel Anglican Church, Destin, FL. Scriptural resources:Theologically, a non-anxious presence is grounded upon ADOPTION. As a Pauline word used to summarize the fullness of salvation, adoption is a new ontological reality for a believer in Jesus. Romans 8:22ff;…
TLC Podcast – A Deep Commitment to Personal Development
By Allen+ Hughes | | Leadership, Spiritual Growth | COVID-19, Hebrews. 12:1-2, personal growth, podcast, Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 37, spiritual disciplines
Rev. Allen Hughes discusses A Deep Commitment to Personal Development with Rev. Robert Cook from St. Andrews Little Rock. Robert discusses the scriptural perspective of soul care: Proverbs 4:23 Psalms 37:3 Hebrews 12:1-2 Directives for working on a self soul care plan: Hour of quite time for meditation, thought, and to hear God. 5-10-15 minutes…
TLC Podcast – Why Anglican Theology matters in today’s world
By +Philip Jones | | Anglicanism, Leadership | Anglicanism, podcast
Rev Allen Hughes discusses why an Anglican Theology matters in today's world with Rev Chris Myers. Chris recommends journaling and start with recognizing the 3 thinkers who provided the most influence to you and use them as a resource for reading. Selecting and reading books they have read. Resources on scriptural theology:Paul is the primary…
TLC Podcast – Anointed Communication
By +Philip Jones | | Leadership | Anglicanism, for clergy, podcast
Rev. Allen Hughes discusses Anointed Communication with Rev. Drew Witt from Gathering Midtown, San Antonio TX.
The Role of Deacon: A Call to Servanthood
By AMIA Communications | | Leadership | Deacon, Lyn Baker, ordination, Text
When does the call to believe and follow Christ happen? In childhood? In the midst of a traumatic event? At the time of transition? Yes, yes, yes. It happens to each person uniquely and can come at any time, in the midst of any situation.
From the Lead Bishop: Becoming a Voice of Hope
By +Philip Jones | | Evangelism and Outreach, Leadership | racial reconciliation, racism, relationships, Video
Lead Bishop of AMiA, Philip Jones, discusses the need for each church to have a conversation about racism.
What is an Anglican?
By Ryan+ Owsley | | Leadership | Anglicanism, Text
An Anglican is someone who loves Jesus. They're someone who, wanting to live under Jesus’s lordship, searches the Scriptures to learn how to live that life.
Coffee With a Friend: Jay+ Wright, Part 2
By Jay+ Wright | | AMiA Churches, Church Planting, Leadership | church-planting, Dallas, St. Bartholomew's
[Read Part 1 ] On July 1, 2018 All Saints Dallas East became St. Bartholomew’s. We followed up with Jay+ Wright, rector of this newly independent church, to hear how God has been working at St. Bartholomew’s as they take this significant step, and what Jay+ sees in the years to come. Congratulations! What was…
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