Evangelism and Outreach

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8


As we grow in three-stream living, through the encouragement of the Scriptures, Sacraments and Spirit we become increasingly motivated to serve others and help them know the God of grace of love.

The following items encourage us along the paths of evangelism and outreach.

Mental Health as Mission

When an individual or family faces a mental health crisis, often they turn first to their faith community for help and support. It’s important, therefore, that churches become informed and be ready to embrace the opportunity to minister.

Mental Illness, Prayer and Extravagant Grace

I can’t honestly say I am thankful for the mental illness that besets our son. But in full truthfulness I can say I am glad to have been forced to do battle with my theology of suffering and to test both its mettle and mine.

Alpha: A Tool for Transformation

"It is my heartfelt conviction that the Alpha course is a tool Jesus is using to transform culture and society. Hospitality and listening have become a primary way in which Jesus is making himself known to those who don’t know him." David+ Larlee

Three Streams: A Template for Identity and Worship

The three streams are a convergent force for our times. Can ancient guides like the Creeds and the Book of Common Prayer be a doorway to innovation?  

Mental Health and the Church

With even greater simplicity, Jesus reminds us that we should care for those society has given up on, such as the naked, the hungry and the imprisoned, as though we are caring for Him.

Alpha at All Saints Dallas: Introducing Christian Community

Dave+ was first drawn to Alpha’s unique approach when a church he attended in the U.K. offered the course. “It was one of the first times I saw the tools the academy used to communicate the Christian faith,” he recalls. “It wasn’t the closed loop of ‘to have faith you need to have faith.'” As…

Come and See, Go and Tell Part 2

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling Dr. Nordling, an Associate Professor of Theology at Northern Seminary in Chicago, was one of the plenary speakers at AMiA’s 2018 Winter Conference.

Come and See, Go and Tell PART 1

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling, Winter Conference 2018 Dr. Nordling is an Associate Professor of Theology at Northern Seminary in Chicago, and was one of the plenary speakers at AMiA’s 2018 Winter Conference.

Advancing the Kingdom of God

John+ and Anne Coles, Winter Conference 2017

Building the King’s Community

John+ and Anne Coles, Winter Conference 2017