Pentecost and Church Planting

Bishop Philip Jones sets the stage for the observance of Pentecost (the birth of the Church) and shares how AMiA continues the ministry of church planting.

Living in the Resurrection: Mental Health

In this message Bishop Jones explores why congregations, in living out the Resurrection, should become aware of ways to support those with mental health challenges.

Experiencing the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit day or weekend retreat has always been a high point in the life of churches where I have served. Although it is part of the Alpha program, all Alpha participants for that season and all of our parishioners are encouraged to come and to bring friends.

Under God’s Hand

Bishop Philip Jones reflects on the upheavals in our world through the lens of St. John's Revelation, assuring us that even though the world can seem out of control, it's not. Christ is King, and all is under God's hand of love.

The Balance of Three Streams

Lead Bishop, Philip Jones, shares more about the unique way The Anglican Mission in America approaches life and worship within the Scripture, Sacrament and Spirit.

What do we mean by “three streams”?

How do the Scriptures, Sacraments and Spirit come together as a great river of worship? Apostolic Vicar Philip Jones shares practical ways the "three streams" are evident within Anglican Mission in America churches.

Triduum Easter

+Philip Jones shares about the Holiest Days of Holy Week.


In Charlottesville we saw front and center once again the violence of racism, and the lie of Satan that says that a person's value is based on the color of the skin, their heritage, or their station in life. This is antithetical to God's word that tells us that we are all made in the image of God, all known and all loved.

Isolation Processing

The Christian life is embedded in the cross. The ashes are imposed upon us making the sign of the cross on our forehead. It is a reminder that yes, we will die and return to dust, but that is not the last word.

Why Anglican? Part 1

Winter Conference 2016 Winter Conference 2016