"the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God; they shall be jubilant with joy!" Psalm 68:3
In the Anglican tradition, we celebrate certain seasons and holy days based on the ancient church calendar. Below are resources related to such times.
Use the search feature or click on tags in related posts to find more on a specific special day or season.
Lenten Reflections: A Season of Honesty
By Guest | | Celebrate | 1 Peter 1:25, Joel 2:12-14, Lent, Mark 1:12-15, parishioner, Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 51, Psalm 73:26, reflections, Text
During the Lenten season, the great thing is when you lay down your shortcomings and failures, you’re able to pick up something greater. To each person it’s something different.
Good Friday: The Bizarre Mission of Surrender
By Robert+ Cook | | Celebrate, Spiritual Growth | Good Friday, suffering, Text
As Jesus surrendered to His Father’s will, He ended up on the cross and died. I don’t know about you, but this does not make surrendering to God very appealing.
Triduum Easter
By +Philip Jones | | Celebrate | Easter, Good Friday
+Philip Jones shares about the Holiest Days of Holy Week.
Meeting God During Lent
By Chris+ Myers | | Celebrate | Chris+ Myers, Colossians 3:3;12-13, fasting, Lent, Text
The act of putting to death earthly things in us is the continual call of Christians; but the season of Lent offers an especially intensified period of time to do this.
Isolation Processing
By +Philip Jones | | Celebrate, Leadership | Ash Wednesday, Church year, Lent, Text
The Christian life is embedded in the cross. The ashes are imposed upon us making the sign of the cross on our forehead. It is a reminder that yes, we will die and return to dust, but that is not the last word.
Lent in our Wilderness
By Guest | | Celebrate | Church year, Lent, Luke 4:1-2, Text
In the wilderness, harsh as it is, I cannot continue to prop-up the illusion that I can ignore my brokenness or deal with it in my own power. In the wilderness, I am offered the opportunity to face the truth about myself and trust the Father’s voice.
Life, Death and the Annunciation
By Guest | | Celebrate | Lent, Luke 2:19, Text, The Annunciation
The Feast of the Annunciation is celebration of the day when Mary received the news from Gabriel that she was going to bear the Son of God. It feels odd to celebrate this day of good news and new life in this solemn Lenten season of repentance and death. But the date can’t be helped—nine months from now we will celebrate the birth of Jesus.
A Hidden Leprosy of the Heart
By David+ Larlee | | Celebrate, Spiritual Growth | 2 Kings 5:1-27, greed, Lent, sins, Text
Lent is an opportunity to re-center ourselves on the grace and mercy of God. That life might be brought into sharper focus as we consider Christ's journey to the cross.
The Most/Least Popular Sin
By Lucas Damoff | | Celebrate, Spiritual Growth | gluttony, Lent, sins, Text
What is gluttony? It is not simply overeating or being overweight, but rather an attitude towards that lends itself to such things. We might do well to begin by defining gluttony as taking more than we need.
The Tinfoil Kingdom of Lust
By Gavin+ Pate | | Celebrate, Spiritual Growth | Genesis 2:25, Lent, lust, sins, Text
People are hungry for intimacy, to be loved and to feel alive. We are grabbing for anything that comes close.