The Cure of Souls: Theory of Change in Christian Ministry

Focuses on how theology shapes and forms Christian ministry.

Book Review: Prayer in the Night

By Carol Floch McColl, All Saints Dallas Liturgical worship, ancient rhythms and richly scripted prayers are a beautiful landscape of territory I have been exploring the last eight years. I arrived late to Anglicanism, having grown up in Christ in other Christian traditions—as did Tish Harrison Warren, an Anglican priest, award-winning author and the author…

Book Review: Parenting in the Pew

By Dr. Robin Turner, Kid’s Ministry Director, All Saints Dallas Too often, children (and their parents!) get the impression that going to church is about not doing things: don’t move, don’t make noise, don’t distract, don’t be impatient, don’t bother your sister. Sunday worship ends, and children and parents leave feeling frustrated, embarrassed and unfulfilled.…

Transformed and Renewed by the Eucharist

As we receive the wine and bread, we don't simply receive a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice, but a measure of the grace and new life that this sacrifice purchased for us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are transformed and renewed each week to more fully reflect the hope and life of Christ to a hurting world.

Could Every Church Plant?

By Ric Thorpe “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2  In Shadwell, East London, a stone’s throw from the ancient City of London walls, the local population includes 45% Bangladeshi Muslims, 45% young professional people and 10%…

When to Pray, When to Parent and When to Seek Help

By Morgan Myers Remember: When it comes to concerns about our children, not all issues are parenting issues. Not all issues are spiritual issues. And not all issues are mental health issues.

50 Days of Feasting

The Easter feast is an opportunity to live like the future that we hope for in Christ is already here. Like children playing at adult activities, we are invited to practice living in ways that anticipate the life of joy and freedom that we trust Christ will soon make complete in us.

Mental Illness, Prayer and Extravagant Grace

I can’t honestly say I am thankful for the mental illness that besets our son. But in full truthfulness I can say I am glad to have been forced to do battle with my theology of suffering and to test both its mettle and mine.

Living in the Resurrection: Approved

During the Easter season, as we focus on living the resurrection, we rejoice that because Jesus conquered death, once and for all, we can come before God, known as sons and daughters. “Approved” by Bryan+ Patrick captures the joy of being accepted in the sight of the Lord because of Christ’s love, demonstrated through his blood.

Coming to Connect at Easter

As you are well aware, there are group of people who only show up for church on Christmas and Easter. The pangs of guilt they feel as these two seasons roll around, often prompted by a call or text from a parent, bring them back to the churches or traditions of their youth. Parking lots fill up; seats are harder to find; there is that awkward pause as you try to remember if you have seen a particular person recently and which greeting you should go for.