Learning to BE by Chad+ Jarnagin
AMIA Communications
As an increasing number of people engage in a quest for spiritual health, there has been an alarming movement of individuals leaving Christianity behind. Often the abandonment of once-vibrant faith is tied to the deconstruction of faith with intentional reconstruction.
However, this trend is accompanied by another, more encouraging movement: Christians around the world are returning to the liturgy of the early church. In contrast to the slick mega-church variety of Christianity that encourages engagement on all cylinders, often without a spiritual foundation, these traditions cultivate depth and stillness.
Learning to Be, written by Chad+ E. Jarnagin, examines spiritual orientations, postures and steps forward, casting a vision for healthy, flourishing faith. Chad+ proposes that without healing from the damage caused by unhealthy patterns and abuse, we aren’t able to embrace healthy rhythms that beckon us into the presence of God. Drawing from Anglicanism, as well as Benedictine and Ignatian spirituality, he suggests spiritual practices, both old and new, that help us move ahead and enjoy deeper communion with our Creator.