Spiritual Growth
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3:18
Seeking our Father’s Love
By Robert+ Cook | | Spiritual Growth | Ephesians 3:14-21, Text
I believe that the more you and I seek to be rooted and grounded in the Father’s love, the more intentional we will be to minister that love and grace to those around us.
Under God’s Hand
By +Philip Jones | | Discipleship, Spiritual Growth | adversity, suffering, Video
Bishop Philip Jones reflects on the upheavals in our world through the lens of St. John's Revelation, assuring us that even though the world can seem out of control, it's not. Christ is King, and all is under God's hand of love.
The Book of Common Prayer: A Unifying Resource
By Mark+ Walz | | Faith Formation, Prayer, Scripture, Spiritual Growth | Anglicanism, prayer, Scripture, Text, The Book of Common Prayer
As Thomas Cranmer, the principal author of the original BCP, said, “Our Book [of common prayer] … is an instrument of the Bible.” The Bible can be a daunting text to engage with; thankfully, the work of Cranmer and others like him was able to give us a beautiful book to structure our prayer and guide our daily interaction with God’s Word.
Good Friday: The Bizarre Mission of Surrender
By Robert+ Cook | | Celebrate, Spiritual Growth | Good Friday, suffering, Text
As Jesus surrendered to His Father’s will, He ended up on the cross and died. I don’t know about you, but this does not make surrendering to God very appealing.
Come and See, Go and Tell Part 2
By Guest | | Evangelism and Outreach, Spiritual Growth | Cherith FeeNordling, Winter Conference 2018
Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling Dr. Nordling, an Associate Professor of Theology at Northern Seminary in Chicago, was one of the plenary speakers at AMiA’s 2018 Winter Conference.
Come and See, Go and Tell PART 1
By Guest | | Evangelism and Outreach, Spiritual Growth | Cherith FeeNordling, Winter Conference 2018
Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling, Winter Conference 2018 Dr. Nordling is an Associate Professor of Theology at Northern Seminary in Chicago, and was one of the plenary speakers at AMiA’s 2018 Winter Conference.
By +Philip Jones | | Spiritual Growth | 2 Corinthians, grief, Racial inustice, racism, relationships, sorrow, Text
In Charlottesville we saw front and center once again the violence of racism, and the lie of Satan that says that a person's value is based on the color of the skin, their heritage, or their station in life. This is antithetical to God's word that tells us that we are all made in the image of God, all known and all loved.
Stories From The Pew: Paul’s Story
By AMIA Communications | | Spiritual Growth | Anglicanism, Stories From The Pew, Video
"Discipleship, following Jesus is not about sin management or trying to modify my behavior. . . it's about changing my affections to love what Jesus loves and love how He loves."
Stories From the Pew: Pamela’s Story
By AMIA Communications | | Healing, Spiritual Growth | Personal experience, Stories From The Pew, Video
"The question that was pounding in my head was: if I cannot take care of my family, then what's the point? Why am I here? How come I survived? What good am I?"
Welcoming the King and His Message
By Guest | | Church Planting, Evangelism and Outreach, Spiritual Growth | Winter Conference 2017
John+ and Anne Coles, Winter Conference 2017