Spiritual Growth

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."  2 Peter 3:18

Book Review: Free of Charge

The verbs “give” and “forgive” are two of the cornerstones of Christian faith and practice. But if giving and forgiving are so central to our faith, why do we find it so hard to follow God’s example? This is the central question that Miroslav Volf explores in his seminal work Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace.

Rest for the Soul

My soul is weary from worry and haggard from heartache. It is weighed down with impossible decisions and discouraged from setbacks. Yes, my body needs nourishment and sleep and I know, basically, how to do that. But where and when and how does soul-restoration happen? 

Gleanings from The Rest of God

Sabbath is both a day and an attitude. While numerous practices can help us receive God’s blessing of rest, it’s vital that we also embrace a Sabbath mindset.

Faithful in the Ordinary

Although Advent and Lenten seasons prompt special meditation, and holy days like Christmas and Easter invite us to deeper reflection and celebrations, the most significant encounters I have had with God have been amid the “ordinary times” of my life.

Art and Beauty Point to God

At its best, this is what art does. Art makes us worship—not the object, but the reality which lies beyond the object, the Triune God of the universe. 

The Cure of Souls: Theory of Change in Christian Ministry

Focuses on how theology shapes and forms Christian ministry.

Sermon: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Paul teaches us to have a gospel identity.  Remind yourself of past grace. Rely on present grace. Run toward future grace.

Stewardship With the Kingdom in Mind

Dustin+ Messer of All Saints Dallas talks about stewardship in the various spheres of life for the sake of God’s Kingdom.  

NOVO: Spiritual Tools for Empowered Ministry

By Jason+ Radcliff I am a big fan of spiritual classics. The Philokalia, The Way of the Pilgrim, The Celebration of Discipline, St. Augustine’s Prayer Book (to name just a few) are all shelved centrally on my bookshelf. I return to these classics again and again when I want tangible and practical steps I can…

Holy Spirit: Leaning into More

Robert+ Cook of St. Andrew’s in Little Rock shares his personal journey in understanding the role of the Holy Spirit.