Spiritual Growth

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."  2 Peter 3:18

Playing Hide and Seek With God

How often do we attempt to hide parts of ourselves from God, using flimsy disguises for our sin? When He woke her up one morning from a sound sleep, Ronda Perry learned the joy of being found. 

Coherence: Who I Truly Am

Do you ever struggle lining up who you actually are with who you—and others—say you are? Patrick Schlabs of St. Peter's Church shares what he's learned about personal coherence and the role of grace in our identity as believers. 

Don’t Waste a Crisis: Processing the Unwanted

It is inevitable (at some point) that questions related to the “why” of the unwanted pain and circumstances will confront issues of sovereignty and God’s right to be God. When it/they do, those moments sometimes become defining moments where God shapes character.

The Unwavering Faith of Abraham

Throughout the Bible, Abraham is celebrated for his faith. But how is it that during long periods of waiting and silence from God, Abraham's faith did not waver? How did Abraham live out his faith in his daily circumstances—and how we can do the same? 

Polite but Deadly: Telling the Truth in a Duck Dynasty World

What if we could live from a heart of genuine love and respect for others, treating them with kindness regardless of their agreement with our beliefs? What if that love “compelled” us to share the ridiculous truth of Christ with those who truly needed to know, without picking a political party to defend?  

Desperate: Why Burnout Is Mission’s Greatest Enemy

Burnout is harmful. It has actually destroyed many churches, ministries, and individuals. It can rattle every man and woman from the mission God has called them to do.

The Sacramental Imagination

The sacramental imagination brings together an affirmation and appreciation for the goodness of creation with an abiding awe of the mystery of Christ incarnate.

You Are Here: The Secret to Getting Direction From Above

Jesus doesn’t make me move to a different location, then give me direction. He doesn’t ask me to move at all. All I need to do is say, “Here I am. I’m right here.”

How God Turns Ordinary Into Extraordinary

By Rev. Jamie George . I never imagined that Jesus would pull me out of the battle per se and take me to a place where I would be milking goats, gathering chicken eggs and installing fences. Nevertheless, I now realize God has led me here to prepare me for the next ministry.

How to Talk About the Sacraments Without Scaring People Away

Here are three principles that will help us all as we seek to communicate the great blessings our tradition has to offer in its sacramental life.