From Whence Cometh Snow Days?

This morning, our daughter looked out her window to find a white sheet of snow laying on top of the grass. Seeing this, she shouted, “where did it come from!?” In some ways, that’s the question of Psalm 29. If you read the passage, you’ll find that weather is a central theme. As God’s people come…

Pointing Us to the Incarnation

This Sunday we will gather for the first Sunday of Christmastide. The lectionary will focus our attention on the incarnation, the truth that Christmas announces each year. We need the reminder because, as we all know, it’s easy to get distracted this time of year. The parties, the decorations, the presents: Sensory overload can numb…

The Counter-Cultural Liturgy of Confirmation

Confirmation Sunday is one the most counter-cultural liturgies we have. It’s one that reminds us of the object of our worship: God.

Recommended Summer Reading 2023 Part 1

What are you reading this summer? Consider one of these titles suggested by Dustin+ Messer, Vicar at All Saints Dallas.

The Paideia of Praise: Embracing the Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric of Liturgy

The word trivium literally means, “the place where three roads meet.” For the church to create the paideia necessary to form disciples, she’ll need to place her liturgy at the intersection of sacraments, scripture, and Spirit.

Art and Beauty Point to God

At its best, this is what art does. Art makes us worship—not the object, but the reality which lies beyond the object, the Triune God of the universe. 

Art and Beauty Point to God

Art makes us worship—not the object, but the reality which lies beyond the object, the Triune God of the universe. 

Slow Down

I'm excited to engage in this year's Easter festivities . There is so much to look forward to, I'm having to remind myself to slow down.

Fasting, Mortality and Repentance

Why do we fast? Christians fast for two primary reasons: to recall our mortality and to flee from sin and repent. While these two reasons can be distinguished, they can’t be separated. Sin and death are joined at the hip, as are repentance and dependence on God. 

Sermon: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Paul teaches us to have a gospel identity.  Remind yourself of past grace. Rely on present grace. Run toward future grace.