Christmas Truth
+Philip Jones
As we move through the fourth week of Advent, preparing for Christmas celebration, I have been struck by the beauty of Christian truth—especially in a culture like ours that, both in and outside the Church, so easily sentimentalizes and softens the reality and hardness of truth. For example, I read the following hymn you may have heard:
Come, quickly come, dread Judge of all;
For, awful though thine advent be, fear
Like clouds dissolve when thou are near.
All shadows from the truth will fall,
And falsehood die, in sight of thee:
Come, quickly come: for doubt and fear
Like clouds dissolve when thou are near.
Truth. Jesus is a truth claim. Birth, life, death and resurrection are historically true, as is our need of a Savior. We cannot save ourselves. Anything less than truth is not just less meaningful but is false. So, if Jesus is truth in love and humility, what falsehoods does his life show in my life? Where have I compromised with the world, even capitulated? Where do I need saving, to let truth heal me and free me?
Come, quickly come, great King of all;
Reign all around us, and within;
Let sin no more our sins enthrall
Let pain and sorrow die with sin;
Come, quickly come: for thou alone
Can make thy scattered people one.
Yes, Lord, this Advent and Christmas season, let your Holy Spirit heal me, free me to be more fully human as I let your truth encourage, convict, forgive and heal me.
May God bless you and free you to trust and follow Him,

+Philip Jones is the Lead Bishop of the Anglican Mission in America and also serves as Rector of All Saints Dallas. Philip was born and raised in Dallas. He practiced law in Waco, Texas for seven years before he was called to the ministry. He has led churches in Marshall and El Paso, Texas and St. Andrew’s Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. His wife, Claudia Clinton Jones, is from Burnet, Texas. They have seven children and thirteen grandchildren.
Category: Celebrate
Tags: Christmas, Truth Claim