Welcoming the King and His Message

John+ and Anne Coles, Winter Conference 2017

Lent in our Wilderness

In the wilderness, harsh as it is, I cannot continue to prop-up the illusion that I can ignore my brokenness or deal with it in my own power. In the wilderness, I am offered the opportunity to face the truth about myself and trust the Father’s voice.

The Spirit’s Presence in Word and Sacrament

The catechism explains that the sacraments are outward and visible signs (read: symbols) of inward and spiritual grace. This grace must be experienced, not just cogitated about or announced over us in the sacraments. And grace, such as the grace of knowing you are marked as Christ’s own for ever, is delivered through the Holy Spirit.

Life, Death and the Annunciation

The Feast of the Annunciation is celebration of the day when Mary received the news from Gabriel that she was going to bear the Son of God. It feels odd to celebrate this day of good news and new life in this solemn Lenten season of repentance and death. But the date can’t be helped—nine months from now we will celebrate the birth of Jesus.

(Extra)Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time refers to the days between the Feast of the Epiphany and Ash Wednesday, as well as the “ordinal" (numbered) weeks of Pentecost after Trinity Sunday.

Seeing the Light: An Invitation to Epiphany

In the season of Epiphany, the Church is called to be the light of the world as we make Christ manifest in our lives and communities. We are called to consider the ramifications of this manifestation