Lenten Reflections: Teaching Us to Wait

I did not grow up in a church that observed Lent, but I have grown to long for this season that is set apart to be a reminder of our human limitedness and our need for Christ’s offering of Himself. This Lent, I have been particularly burdened by that frequent theme of the Psalms: the apparent success of the wicked.

Lenten Reflections: A Place to Be Still

The rhythms of the daily office and lectionary readings invite me in to be present and journey through the seasons. During Lent I yearn for even more space to allow each moment, each word to penetrate my soul.

Lenten Reflections: Baring the Soil of My Soul

As we approach Lent, I examine myself. I am unable to deny that I am a dirty saint, a messy image-bearer, a broken disciple. This would be troubling if not for the gospel of grace that wipes away the dirt, cleans up the mess and smooths the sharp places of my broken edges.

Lenten Reflections: Preparation for Celebration

Lent in particular is a season for preparation, for repentance. Reflection on our own brokenness and the fallen state of our world leads to repentance, asking God for his mercy to come and to do what only he can—make us whole and make things right.

Lenten Reflections: A Season of Honesty

During the Lenten season, the great thing is when you lay down your shortcomings and failures, you’re able to pick up something greater. To each person it’s something different.

Three Streams: A Template for Identity and Worship

The three streams are a convergent force for our times. Can ancient guides like the Creeds and the Book of Common Prayer be a doorway to innovation?  

St. Bartholomew’s – Called Forth Into Being

Over time, I began to find myself in this name, St. Bartholomew. I had felt led to this church out of a desperate need to be refreshed, to be allowed to engage in the seasonality and patient process of becoming who God has created me to be.

Come and See, Go and Tell Part 2

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling Dr. Nordling, an Associate Professor of Theology at Northern Seminary in Chicago, was one of the plenary speakers at AMiA’s 2018 Winter Conference.

Come and See, Go and Tell PART 1

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling, Winter Conference 2018 Dr. Nordling is an Associate Professor of Theology at Northern Seminary in Chicago, and was one of the plenary speakers at AMiA’s 2018 Winter Conference.

Advancing the Kingdom of God

John+ and Anne Coles, Winter Conference 2017