TLC Podcast – A Deep Commitment to Personal Development
Allen+ Hughes
Rev. Allen Hughes discusses A Deep Commitment to Personal Development with Rev. Robert Cook from St. Andrews Little Rock.
Robert discusses the scriptural perspective of soul care:
Proverbs 4:23
Psalms 37:3
Hebrews 12:1-2
Directives for working on a self soul care plan:
Hour of quite time for meditation, thought, and to hear God.
5-10-15 minutes of mid-day quite time to read a song from the daily office, pray on it, hear God.
Perform a daily examine at the end of the day to reflect on the day in gratitude, to note God’s presence in the day. To ask the Lord for help on moments of the day where personal emotion or response was not as expected. Spend a few moments in repentance and to end the day recognizing God’s work.
Create the habit of a daily prayer walk for time in nature to hear God while doing good for the soul and the body.
The Ignition Adventure – Kevin O’Brien –
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality – Peter Scazzero –

The Very Rev. Dr. Allen Hughes is the Executive Director of the Anglican Mission in America, and the rector at The Abbey at Pawley's Island. Allen has been in the ordained ministry for 20 years. He spends most of his time coaching, encouraging and challenging leaders to step out in faith and live the lives God intends for them. Allen lives in and is a native of Mount Pleasant, SC. He is married to Louise and they have four sons.
Category: Leadership, Spiritual Growth