Living in the Resurrection: Mental Health

In this message Bishop Jones explores why congregations, in living out the Resurrection, should become aware of ways to support those with mental health challenges.

Mental Health and the Church

With even greater simplicity, Jesus reminds us that we should care for those society has given up on, such as the naked, the hungry and the imprisoned, as though we are caring for Him.

Sparks of Redemptive Grace

For others in our midst who care about, but don’t really understand, the unrelenting obstacles and grief faced by families caring for a loved one struggling with a mental illness, Sparks of Redemptive Grace reveals an incredibly personal glimpse into what goes on in homes and hearts when dealing with a mental disorder.

Desperate: Why Burnout Is Mission’s Greatest Enemy

Burnout is harmful. It has actually destroyed many churches, ministries, and individuals. It can rattle every man and woman from the mission God has called them to do.

Parishioner Set Free from Terrorizing Nightmares

wakened early in terror and as usual went to the window. I’d learned to live with this reality so I raised my arms and hands in adoration and praise. As I’d been encouraged the previous evening, I deliberately invited Jesus into the terror of that Thursday morning and gradually it subsided.

Is It Our Job? Rethinking Addiction and Recovery Ministry in the Church

Can your staff clearly identify and differentiate, by policy and wisdom, which acts of compassion, enabling, helping, discernment, accountability and church safety are useful when an unknown “poor” family of four asks for assistance? How would you discern wise, loving forward-moving ministry?